People from 49 countries
thought about MUJI in the future.

4824 works from 49 countries - about the distance around the earth. We had many entries from all over the world for MUJI AWARD 04 in CHINA, an international competition with a theme of "Long Lasting Design for Living" to discover new MUJI products.

> MUJI AWARD 04 Results

Entry Period

1st October 2013-31st October 2013 CST24:00
MUJI AWARD 04 application has been closed.


Gold(1work) 20,000 U.S. dollars, Silver(1work) 10,000 U.S. dollars, Bronze(5works) 5,000 U.S. dollars


Naoto Fukasawa(JPN)MUJI Advisory Board Member, Product Designer
Kenya Hara(JPN)MUJI Advisory Board Member, Graphic Designer
Chang Yung Ho(CHN)Architect
Wang Shu(CHN)Architect
Liu Zhizhi(CHN)Graphic Designer
Alan Chan(HKG)Graphic Designer
Ray Chen(TWN)Architect
Jasper Morrison(GBR)Product Designer
Hartmut Esslinger(DEU)Product Designer
Wenhsin WangManaging Director, MUJI (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


MUJI (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.