People from 49 countries
thought about MUJI in the future.
4824 works from 49 countries - about the distance around the earth. We had many entries from all over the world for MUJI AWARD 04 in CHINA, an international competition with a theme of "Long Lasting Design for Living" to discover new MUJI products.
Entry Period
1st October 2013-31st October 2013 CST24:00
MUJI AWARD 04 application has been closed.
Gold(1work) 20,000 U.S. dollars, Silver(1work) 10,000 U.S. dollars, Bronze(5works) 5,000 U.S. dollars
Naoto Fukasawa | (JPN) | MUJI Advisory Board Member, Product Designer |
Kenya Hara | (JPN) | MUJI Advisory Board Member, Graphic Designer |
Chang Yung Ho | (CHN) | Architect |
Wang Shu | (CHN) | Architect |
Liu Zhizhi | (CHN) | Graphic Designer |
Alan Chan | (HKG) | Graphic Designer |
Ray Chen | (TWN) | Architect |
Jasper Morrison | (GBR) | Product Designer |
Hartmut Esslinger | (DEU) | Product Designer |
Wenhsin Wang | Managing Director, MUJI (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. |
MUJI (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.