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MUJI AWARD wish express deep thanks for enormous number of entries nearly 5,000 from 52 countries.
The final award winners will be announced on 23rd of November on this site.
Competition Name MUJI AWARD 01•MUJI AWARD
“SUMI” - corner / edge / end
The theme is “SUMI”.
The objective is not to design something that is placed in the middle of the room, but towards the edges, not at the centre and not directly around the centre; you should look for somewhere that evades the eye, send us an object designed for that place, and name it as you wish.
We are not asking for any particular genre, it could be anything from furniture, stationery and office equipment, to everyday items.
Entry period From 15th May 2006, Entries must arrive by 31st August
Prize money Gold prize winner (1 award) 20,000 US dollars
Silver prize winners (3 awards) 3,000 US dollars
Bronze prize winners (6 awards) 1,000 US dollars
* Each prize is awarded to 1 work and 1 person. Some entries will be deemed “not applicable” for each prize.
* Prize money is not inclusive of any withholding tax, which will be subtracted from the prize money.
Judges Kazuko Koike (MUJI adviser, creative director)
Takashi Sugimoto (MUJI adviser, interior designer)
Kenya Hara (MUJI adviser, graphic designer)
Naoto Fukasawa (MUJI adviser, product designer)
Masaaki Kanai (Product director, Representative Director, Executive Director, Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd.)
Product development team, Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd.
Special Judge / Jasper Morrison (product designer)
Entry eligibility Anyone may apply regardless of whether they are corporate or private individuals, freelancer designers, in-house corporate designers, students etc. Works are restricted to new domestic or international offerings.
Entry method
You must mail us a copy of the following application materials. Please be advised that we will not make any payment for the entries. If you have multiple entries, you must send separate entry forms for each design.
Entry Form (required)
Download and then print entry form, fill in all the fields.
Conditions of agreement are written on the entry form so these should be read, noted and then signed.
Your entry submission must be either in English or in Japanese.
Download Entry From
Product name and an easily understandable description of its concept (required)
On one A3 size page (landscape) , the work title/work description/overall drawing (rendering) or 3-plane diagram (face/surface/profile).
If necessary a further 2 sheets of A3 size can be used for the overall drawing/3-plane diagram.
Do not use a board. (No board-mounted entry) Name/Address/Telephone number must be stated on each sheet.
Applicants must use English or Japanese for all necessary documents.
A prototype which is a faithful reproduction of the design (optional)
The package size may not exceed a total height/width/depth of 120cm. Please ensure it is well packed in a sturdy box to avoid damage in the mail and in handling. We do not pay for entries.
Please write the product name, your name and telephone number clearly on the base of the prototype.
Address for entry forms/works To: “MUJI AWARD Staff”, 4-26-3 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-8424
Process announcement
1 All entry items will be examined, Prize winners will be selected in mid-November 2006 and results will be announced on the homepage.
2 The winning entry will be made into a life size prototype by Ryohin Keikaku, and will be shown at the Milano Salone exhibition in 2007.
3 After the launch, the product will go on tour and will be display at specified MUJI stores.
Important entry notes
Entered works will not be returned.
All intellectual property pertaining to the prize winning articles is surrendered to Ryohin Keikaku on acceptance of the prize.
Entries must be the original works of entrants and must not have previously been released in Japan or overseas.
Entries may not be entered in other competitions in addition to this competition. Moreover, entries may not be subsequently released elsewhere without the consent of Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd..
For entered works that have been awarded prizes, all rights concerning patents, design, utility models, trade marks in Japan and all other countries shall belong to Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. The prize money shall be regarded as fair compensation for entrants.
When entering the competition, entrants should take any measures necessary to protect their own rights.
Submission of works is based on the advance understanding and agreement of participants that entered works will not be returned and may be exhibited at MUJI stores in Japan and overseas and at any other exhibition where Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. may participate.
Works entered in this competition may be released for publicity and public relations purpose in connection with this competition.
Should the entry of a minor according to the laws of Japan, win an award, written consent of the minor's guardian shall be required.
Sponsor Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd.
Co-sponsors RYOHIN KEIKAKU EUROPE LTD. / RYOHIN KEIKAKU FRANCE S.A.S. / MUJI ITALIA S.p.A. / MUJI Deutschland GmbH / MUJI (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. / MUJI (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. / MUJI TAIWAN CO., LTD. / MUJI Korea Co., Ltd. / MUJI (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Enquiries “MUJI AWARD Staff” (c/o Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd.),
4-26-3 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-8424
*Please do not enquire by telephone or in-store.
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