FAQ update 2006.7.28
| About the competition | About entry works | About the screening of entries |
| About the announcement of the screening result | About the merchandizing of winning designs | Other |
About the competition
Is it possible to enter as a group?
Yes. When entering as a group please make sure to provide the name and contact details of the person representing the group in the entry form, and inform us that you are entering as a group.
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About entry works
I am only sumbmitting an explanation of the work, and have no plans to make a model. In this case, what should I stick in the space where it says 'Picture of design entry'?
You do not have to stick a photograph of the item itself in the space at the top right of the Entry Form where it says 'Picture of design entry'. A visual representation, such as a sketch of the finished work, is sufficient.
Name, address, and telephone number, have to be clearly written on the explanation. Is it OK to write this on the front of the A3 sheet?
Either on the front or back of the page, it doesn't matter. To make the assessment fair, personal information noted on the front will be sealed so it cannot be seen.
Is it possible for submissions to be sent on CD-ROMs?
Entries are not accepted on CD-ROMs or other data formats. Please print out on A3 size.
Is it alright to put all the works together in one envelope when submitting multiple works?
Yes, that's fine. Please submit entry forms for each work.
Can I send my design entry online or by e-mail?
We are afraid to announce that we only accept entries by post as required.
How many entries are allowed?
There is no limit on the number of entries. However, be sure to use one entry form per entry.
What is ‘rendering’? Can model photos be used?
Rendering is the perspective drawing of the final work intended. Model photographs are permitted.
Can the drawing be hand drawn?
There are no rules on the method used for entries as long as the work indicates measurements to facilitate the understanding of the final three-dimensional work. However, works that fail to provide measurements and functionality may be excluded for consideration.
There is a rule saying that ‘entries are limited to works not yet published in and outside of Japan’, can past works that failed to win competitions be altered for entry?
Works that were entered for other past competitions were examined by judges and other persons involved and are considered as being made public. Therefore, it is possible that similar works may already exist and entries for this competition shall be limited to works not yet published, i.e. not yet entered in any competition.
Can entries be faxed?
Faxed entries may come out unclear and will not meet the requirement for screening. Please send all entries by post.
Will entries be returned?
Please note that entry forms, description of design and prototypes will not be returned.
What can I do if the prototype is too small to adhere to the required information such as entry title, my name and telephone number?
For small pieces please use the form provided and indicate the title of the piece, your name and number.
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About the screening of entries
Will having or not having a 3D model affect the outcome of the screening?
Regardless of whether a 3D model is provided or not, the screening will be fairly conducted.
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About the announcement of the screening result
When and how will the results be announced?
We will announce the winners on our website in mid November, 2006. In addition, only the winners will be contacted individually from October 2006.
When will the prizes be awarded?
Prizes are scheduled to be awarded at an award ceremony during December 2006.
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About the merchandizing of winning designs
If my design becomes a MUJI product that is sold in stores, will my name appear on the product or in any relation to the product?
Designer's name or any information about designer will not appear on our product and any relation to the product because of our brand policy.
Will winning designs definitely be turned into merchandise?
As a principle we will consider the merchandizing of all winning designs. However, depending on the originality, technical viability and cost issues, some designs may not be suitable to be turned into merchandise.
If my design becomes a Muji product that is sold in stores, will I be paid a patent fee?
By awarding a winning entry design, Ryohin Keikaku Co.,Ltd. reserves all rights to the design.
If my design becomes a Muji product that is sold in stores, will I be paid any royalty fees?
As a rule, no royalty fees are payable once the winning designs are merchandized.
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I would like to advertise the MUJI AWARD to our students, are you able to supply leaflets & posters in English so I can distribute them to our campuses?
We are pleased to send MUJI AWARD leaflets and posters.Please send an e-mail to us with your address. Please be reminded that there is a posibility of unable to answer your request.
We are looking forward to receiving many entries from students.
For reference I would like to visit your store, could you tell me where I can find one near my area?
Access our websaite for a list of our stores.
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